Sunday, December 11, 2022

Day 11 Of Our Color Reveal Barbie Advent Calendar!

 Hello Dear Readers, 


Time for another day of our Advent Calendar. Today's door is an odd one. It's the Barbie Color Reveal logo, which is quite a change from our trees, animals, and woodland items we've been getting. 


 Behind it we find....


A purple bag. 


A purple color reveal bag none the less.

We open it to find .... a purple plastic thing.


It took me a second to recognize this. When I did I exclaimed "Oh! It's the cat!" and I said it so loudly, I startled the two, real, not purple cats on my bed. 


Here it is without the purple paint in it. 


It's a cute little white cat with black painted details. No fancy shots of the paint coming off because I just washed it in the sink. The first reason is that I'm lazy and the second one I wanted to feel what the color reveal paint felt like when washing it instead of just letting the water make it dissolve. Spoiler alert, slimy. It's a very simple cat, but a pretty decent size for Barbie. There is still some paint caught in the crevices, but hopefully I can get rid of those with another wash. 

Here is the door added to our collection. I guess it's like a billboard in the forest? 

Stay tuned for tomorrow's reveal!

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